Iaido Sensei
A gallery of the many Sensei that are part of Toyama Ryu and Nakamura Ryu history and Power Sensei's budo journey.
Kumitachi with Power Sensei.
Teacher: Nakamura Taizaburo Sensei. Uchitachi: Sato Shimeo Sensei. Shitachi: Suzuki Kunio Sensei.
January 1995. Front row center: Nakamura Taizaburo sensei flanked by Sato Shimeo (Hanshi 9th dan) and Suzuki Kunio (Kyoshi, 8th dan) on the left. Back row, 4th from the right: Ron Zediker (Renshi, 6th dan).
Nakayama Hakudo is the father of Toyama Ryu Iaido. In 1925 Nakayama sensei was asked by the Rikugun Toyama Gakko to formulate sword forms for the military sword which would be useful of the "battlefield of the future." (Photo: Kendo Nippon, April 1994, p. 66)
1993. Shimazu Kenji: 18th Shihan of Yagyu Shingan Ryu Jujutsu. Power sensei says, "I met Shimazu Sensei at Meiji Shrine during the Culture Day enbu. I recognized him from his photos in "Hiden Magazine," but never met him before. I rushed right up and presented myself as a reader of "Hiden." He was very down-to-earth and jovial. Bet he's hell in the dojo!"
Suzuki Kunio Sensei, Kyoshi, 8th dan.
Suzuki Sensei after performing a horizontal cut. Note that the cut portion did not fall away from the main section. There are a few accounts of targets not falling after a diagonal cut, but this is the only instance to my knowledge of the cut portion remaining transfixed after a horizontal cut.
1992. Sugino Yoshio: Aikido; Ten Shin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu. Power sensei reports that he met the late Sugino Sensei at Nakamura Sensei's 80th birthday celebration. He and Nakamura Sensei were good friends.
A special exhibition of Nakamura Ryu sword vs. spear techniques was shown by Nakashima Masao (r) and Okahara Shosei (l) during the International Iai-Battodo Federation All Nations Comptetition (the 6th Toyama Ryu - Nakamura Ryu Batto Competition). At the time, this was the first time in over 30 years these techniques had been displayed.
Nakashima Sensei, Hanshi 8th dan, was the senior administrator for Narita International Airport.
Onozaki Mitsuo (Mitsuhiro) Sensei learned Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu iaido from his father, Onozaki Yoshimoto (Mitsuhiro). Yoshimoto Sensei was an officer in the Imperial Guards Regiment and trained under Nakayama Hakudo. .
Nakamura Sensei (L) with Onozaki Mitsuhiro Sensei (Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido).
Power Sensei and Onozaki Mitsuhiro.
Onozaki Mitsuo.
Kumitachi with Power Sensei.
Teacher: Nakamura Taizaburo Sensei. Uchitachi: Sato Shimeo Sensei. Shitachi: Suzuki Kunio Sensei.