IBF Taikai 2016
Images from the International Battodo Federation Taikai in Tsurumi, Yokohama, Japan on October 30, 2016.
Sake shop! Bus trip in Takayama.
Pre-taikai training group photo.
Kampai! Friday night welcome dinner.
Friday night welcome dinner - Tex with Sato Seiji Sensei, Matt S. and Maki san.
Saturday night Pre-Taikai training group photo.
Taikai group photo.
Nakamura Tomoko Kaichou gives opening remarks.
Toyama Ryu embu - participants from Australia, UK, D.C., South Africa, California and Kenshinkan Dojo.
Kumitachi embu - Takano Sensei and Nomura Sensei.
Sato Seiji Sensei - happogiri embu.
Tex - 2nd place kata - Sandan/Yondan division.
Menjo presentation for those testing.
Congrats Tex on Yondan.
Bus trip - Keyakidaira gorge - group photo.
Something Tex had not eaten before at the onsen dinner - he did eat it!
Bus trip - Gassho Village - world heritage site.
Bus trip - red bridge in Takayama with Takahashi san.
Sake shop! Bus trip in Takayama.
Pre-taikai training group photo.