IBF Taikai 2017
Images from the International Battodo Federation Taikai in Tsurumi, Yokohama, Japan on October 29, 2017.
Congrats Vivian on Sandan.
Wednesday Pre-Taikai training group photo. Tex's baggage got lost in the typhoon.
Beers with Nakamura Kenzo Sensei at the GGC.
Thursday Pre-Taikai training group photo.
Friday Pre-Taikai training group photo.
Vivian getting focused teaching from Nakamura Kenzo Sensei.
Kampai - Friday night welcome dinner.
Three members of Kenshinkan Dojo (Jay, Vivian, Tex) with Sato Seiji Sensei at the Friday Welcome dinner.
Group intro at the Friday Welcome dinner with guest Louis Mang.
Saturday Pre-Taikai training group photo.
Taikai group photo.
Taikai banners.
Tex and Vivian saving their strength before it kicks off.
Toyama Ryu Embu - participants from UK, San Diego, D.C., Maryland, South Africa, Australia - 2 members from Kenshinkan Dojo.
Kumitachi Embu - Nomura Sensei and Takano Sensei.
Tex - kata.
Aussies and Jim Ido - fun folks.
Burning off nervous energy before the kumitachi finals.
Kumitachi - Tex and Mat R.
Tex - 1st place kata - Sandan/Yondan division.
Kumitachi 3rd place - Tex and Mat tied for second twice - nerve wracking.
Three members of Kenshinkan Dojo in attendance - Jay, Vivian and Tex.
Menjo presentation for those that tested.
Congrats Jay on Yondan.
Congrats Vivian on Sandan.
Wednesday Pre-Taikai training group photo. Tex's baggage got lost in the typhoon.