IBF Taikai 2023
Images from the 2023 IBF Taikai held in Tsurumi, Yokohama, Japan. Also included are photos from the 2023 Mugai Ryu Taikai held in Himeji City.
Post-taikai revelry - always a must.
Sign at Tsurumi Sports Center entrance - site of the taikai.
Taikai attendee picture with guests, judges and participants.
Tex with Nakamura Tomoko soke.
Kenshinkan crew getting ready for event.
Kenshinkan members with Sato Seiji sensei - such an awesome teacher.
Kenshinkan members with Kakuseikai members - always a pleasure to see old friends.
Kenshinkan members in front of the dojo banner. Proud of everyone's efforts.
Sherry reciting the oath at the beginning of the event.
Participant line up.
Embu by the senior international students of Toyama Ryu kata.
Always a pleasure to see old friend - Tex with Ido san.
Sherry and Keyan received their Sandan menjo from Nomura sensei - well done!
Wednesday pre-taikai practice group.
Thursday pre-taikai practice group at the Yokohama Budokan - beautiful facility.
Friday pre-taikai practice group.
Friday welcome dinner location in Yokohama Chinatown.
Friday welcome dinner after-party at the GGC in Tsurumi - not a trip without a visit.
Saturday pre-taikai training group.
A visit to Nakamura sensei's memorial at Sojiji is always part of the trip.
Mugai Ryu taikai sign in Himeji.
The Yokohama Mugaikai had a great result at the 2023 taikai. Special congrats to Kurt Brown from D.C. who won the Soke cup and the overall champion honors.
A visit to Himeji castle - very interesting history.
Fun dinner at a Okinawan restaurant near the Yokohama Budokan - live music was great!
Welcome dinner before the Mugai Ryu taikai - with Konishi Soke.
Post-taikai revelry - always a must.
Sign at Tsurumi Sports Center entrance - site of the taikai.