Power Sensei Gallery
Power sensei after award of his kanban, following passing the test for 6th dan and Renshi teaching license. To his right, Suzuki Kunio sensei (kyoshi, 8th dan); to his left, Sato Shimeo sensei (hanshi, 9th dan).
Sagamihara Family Housing, Camp Zama, Japan, 1994. From L to R: Power Sensei, Sato Seiji, Pat Cassidy. Pat was training in Toyama Ryu at the Tenman-gu Shrine in Machida City, Japan.
Formal portrait of Power Sensei.
Power Sensei practicing tameshigiri.
Power Sensei demonstrating tameshigiri.
Power Sensei with Nakamura Sensei.
1994 - Kumitachi #4 - Uchitachi: Imamura Itsuo, Shitachi: Guy Power.
Camp Zama dojo. This is one-third of the entire dojo. Power Sensei's office was in the next dojo to the right, and it was the same size. The dojo are on the south size of Camp Zama, and were used by foreign officer candidates.
ISB Taekwondo club led by Mr. Kim Myung-Soo, 6th Dan. 1969.
Supervising free sparring at ISB
UN Day at the International School of Bangkok.
Early Iaido.
After receiving shodan in Mugai Ryu from A.C. Church Sensei. After returning to the States, he began studying Shorinji Tekken Ryu kenpo and Mugai Ryu iaido from Mr. Albert C. Church. He was Mr. Church's student from August 1970 through August 1972.
Power Sensei practicing kata on Anastasia Island beach, St. Augustine, FL while a student at Flagler College in 1972.
1998. From left to right, Chuck Jorgensen, 1st dan, Guy Power, 6th dan, and Arthur Leung, 2nd dan.
Power Sensei practicing kata on Anastasia Island beach, St. Augustine, FL while a student at Flagler College in 1972.
1998. Power Sensei with some Dojo members.
September 1994. Power sensei receives the International Battodo Federation's kanban from Sato Shimeo sensei (hanshi, 9th dan) in Tsurumi ward, Yokohama City, Japan. The kanban states from right to left: International Battodo Federation, Toyama Ryu, Nakamura Ryu Teaching Dojo, America Director, Guy Power.
September 1994. Kanban received by Power Sensei from the International Battodo Federation.
September 1994. Sobetsukai (farewell party). Power sensei receives densho (license of transmission) from Nakamura sensei. Power sensei began his Toyama Ryu Iaido studies in 1983 and later studied directly under Nakamura sensei for four and a half years.
March 1990. Power sensei's introduction to Nakamura Taizaburo (center) by Hirota Ietada sensei, judo 8th dan (on the right) at Nakamura sensei's home.
Shinzen at Kenshinkan Dojo.
Power sensei after award of his kanban, following passing the test for 6th dan and Renshi teaching license. To his right, Suzuki Kunio sensei (kyoshi, 8th dan); to his left, Sato Shimeo sensei (hanshi, 9th dan).
Sagamihara Family Housing, Camp Zama, Japan, 1994. From L to R: Power Sensei, Sato Seiji, Pat Cassidy. Pat was training in Toyama Ryu at the Tenman-gu Shrine in Machida City, Japan.