Opening Event

Kenshinkan Dojo held an opening event at our new location in The Woodlands, TX on January 13, 2024. Special guests included Guy Power Sensei, founder of Kenshinkan Dojo, and Nomura Yoshitaka Sensei, the Secretary of Overseas Affairs for the IBF, Hanshi, 8-Dan. Kenshi from Japan, London, Michigan, Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Arizona, San Diego, LA, Bay Area CA and multiple locations in Texas attended. A photo gallery of the weekend's events can be viewed HERE.
The embu on Saturday afternoon was attended by over 30 people. At the head table were Kenshinkan Dojo's founder Guy Power Sensei (7-Dan, Renshi (retired), IBF), Nomura Yoshitaka Sensei (8-Dan, Hanshi, IBF; 9-Dan, Sohan, Mugairyu Iai Hyodo) and Dave Drawdy Sensei (7-Dan, Kyoshi, IBF).
The event was strongly supported by members of the Mizu Hi Kobukai with members from Texas, Michigan and Arizona in attendance. Pictured (from right to left) are Travis Boardman - Soke, Mark Gettings - Shihan, and Andrew Delitka Sensei. We greatly appreciate their support.
Additionally, other senior students from the International Battodo Federation and Mugairyu Iai Hyodo were in attendance. Pictured are Carl Jenkins Sensei (6-Dan, Renshi, IBF), John Mutschink (5-Dan, Renshi, IBF; 4-Dan, Mugairyu Iai Hyodo) and Kurt Brown Sensei (6-Dan, Mugairyu Iai Hyodo).

The embu was opened with the performance of Shiho Barai - a purification ritual. This was performed by:
- Center position - Nomura Yoshitaka - 8-Dan, Hanshi, IBF; 9-Dan, Sohan, Mugairyu Iai Hyodo
- East position - Dave Drawdy - 7-Dan, Kyoshi, IBF
- North position - Carl Jenkins - 6-Dan, Renshi, IBF
- West position - Kurt Brown - 6-Dan, Mugairyu Iai Hyodo
- South position - Andrew Delitka - Okuden, Shin Shin Ryu; Yondan, IBF
Drawdy Sensei then led a performance of Toyama Ryu Kata by IBF members - Carl Jenkins (6-Dan, Renshi), Yilmaz Karadeniz (5-Dan), Yoshitaka Satoh (5-Dan), Jeff Toms (4-Dan), Derek Weaver (4-Dan), and Andrew Delitka (4-Dan).

Next, Kurt Brown Sensei (6-Dan, Mugairyu Iai Hyodo) performed an embu of Mugairyu Iai Hyodo kata. He was followed by Yoshitaka Satoh (3-Dan, Mugairyu Iai Hyodo) and Keyan Jafari (Shodan, Mugairyu Iai Hyodo) performing the Mugairyu Iai Hyodo Iai-no-Kata (paired forms).
Drawdy Sensei then lead the 5-Dan and above members of the IBF in a demonstration of the Nakamura Ryu kata. Participants included Dave Drawdy Sensei (7-Dan, Kyoshi), Carl Jenkins (6-Dan, Renshi), Yoshitaka Satoh (5-Dan), and Yilmaz Karadeniz (5-Dan).

This was followed by a demonstration of Shin Shin Ryu by Andrew Delitka Sensei (Okuden, Shin Shin Ryu) and Jeff Toms Sensei (6-Dan, Renshi, Shin Shin Ryu). Delitka Sensei and Toms Sensei also demonstrated the kumitachi (paired forms) of the Mizu Hi Kobukai.
The embu performances were capped by a thrilling live-blade kumitachi performance of the Toyama Ryu Kumitachi set by Dave Drawdy Sensei and Carl Jenkins Sensei.

Following the embu, Power Sensei made several presentations to recognize the continued support and efforts of individuals in keeping the spirit of battodo and Kenshinkan Dojo alive. A wood plaque modeled after calligraphy from Nakamura Taisaburo Sensei representing 'Perseverance' was presented to John Mutschink. Sake cups from the Toyama Military Academy were presented to Dave Drawdy Sensei and Nomura Yoshitaka Sensei for their continued support of the dojo over the years. Nomura Sensei received an historic sterling silver sake cup that was once presented to the 3rd Company, Instruction Battalion of the Toyama Military Academy pre-1945. Around the outer rim is engraved 陸軍戸山学校教導大隊第三中隊記念

On behalf of the Mizu Hi Kobukai, Andrew Delitka Sensei and Jeff Toms Sensei presented Nomura Yoshitaka Sensei and John Mutschink gifts of beautiful iron tessen as symbols of goodwill, friendship and future collaboration between the Mizu Hi Kobukai, the IBF, and Kenshinkan Dojo.

Following the bow out, everyone adjourned to a post-event party for more camaraderie and fun. More pictures are in the gallery linked at the top of the page.