Toyama Ryu Kata (The Foundation)
Ippon me (Mae no teki). Number One (Enemy to the front) 1. Right step while drawing 2. Left step with Migi katate kiriage 3. Right step with Hidari kesagiri 4. Zanshin, shift into Chudan no Kamae, Chiburi, Noto 5. Sagaru (step back)
Nihon me (Migi no teki). Number Two (Enemy to the right) 1. Right step (look to the right) 2. Left step while drawing 3. Right step with Migi shohatto 90° Right 4. Left step with Migi kesagiri 5. Right step into Chudan no Kamae 6. Zanshin, Chiburi, Noto 7. Sagaru (step back)
Sanbon me (Hidari no teki). Number Three (Enemy to the left) 1. Right step 2. Left step (look to the left) 3. Right step while drawing outward to the right hip 4. Hidari Katate Tsuki 90° Left 5. Withdraw with a small step back 6. Ukenagashi 7. Left step back with Hidari Kesagiri 8. Zanshin, shift into Chudan no kamae, Chiburi, Noto 9. Sagaru (step back)
Yonhon Me (Ushiro no teki). Number Four (Enemy to the rear) 1. Right step (look behind, over right shoulder) 2. Left step in front of Right foot to begin turn while drawing 3. Pivot to the rear, right foot pulls back with Migi Katate Kesagiri to enemy in rear 4. Right step with Hidari Kesagiri 5. Zanshin, shift into Chudan no kamae, Chiburi, Noto 6. Sagaru (step back)
Gohon Me (Zen-men no teki). Number Five (Enemies all around) 1. Katate Jodan No Kamae 2. Right step 3. Left step to Morote Jodan 4. Right step with Hidari Kesagiri 5. Left step with Migi Kesagiri 6. Right step with Hidari Kesagiri 7. Zanshin, shift to Chudan no kamae, Chiburi, Noto 8. Sagaru (step back)
Roppon me (Ushiro, mae no teki). Number Six (Enemies to the rear and front) 1. Right step 2. Left step (look behind, over left shoulder) 3. Right step in front of Left foot to begin turn 4. Pivot to the rear while drawing to Ukenagashi 5. Left step back behind right foot with Hidari Kesagiri 6. Look to original front direction, pivot back to the front 7. Right step with Hidari Kesagiri 8. Zanshin, shift into Chudan no Kamae, Chiburi, Noto 9. Sagaru (step back)
Nanahon me (Migi, hidari, mae no teki). Number Seven (Enemies to the right, left, front) 1. Right step while drawing (look to right) 2. Left step with Migi Katate Kesagiri 90° Right 3. Right step with Hidari Kesagiri 45° Left (look to left) 4. Shift to front, Morote Tsuki 5. Withdraw from Morote Tsuki 6. Zanshin, Left step into Jodan No Kamae 7. Left step back into Chudan no Kamae, Chiburi, Noto 8. Sagaru (step back)
Happon me (Itto Ryodan). Number Eight (Cutting in two with a single stroke) 1. Draw out to right as right foot shifts out, Furikaburi 2. Arch back 3. Shinchoku Giri 4. Zanshin, Chiburi, Noto |