Toyama Ryu Kumitachi

Ippon me. Number One


1.   Bow to Shidachi

2.   Bow to Sword

3.   Taito

4.   Two and a half steps forward

5.   Step with Migi Shohatto (horiz)

6.   --

7.   Lower sword

8.   Step back, Chudan no Kamae

9.   Chiburi, Noto

10. Five steps back


  1. Bow to Uchidachi
  2. Bow to Sword
  3. Taito
  4. Two and a half steps forward.
  5. Steps back, draws sword
  6. Step in, Hidari Kesagiri
  7. Focus Kissaki on throat
  8. Step back, Chudan no Kamae
  9. Chiburi, Noto
  10. Five steps back

Nihon me. Number Two


1.     Draw to Chudan no Kamae

2.     Two steps forward

3.     Third step to Jodan no Kamae

4.     --

5.     Step back, lowered sword

6.     Step forward, Chudan no Kamae

7.     Lower blade, disengage sword

8.     Five steps back

9.     Step to Chudan no Kamae


  1. Draw to Chudan no Kamae
  2. Two steps forward
  3. Third step to Morote Tsuki
  4. Withdraw from thrust
  5. Step in Hidari Jodan No Kamae
  6. Step back, Chudan no Kamae
  7. Lower blade, disengage sword
  8. Five steps back
  9. Step to Chudan no Kamae

Sanbon me. Number Three


1.     Two steps forward

2.     Third step with Morote Tsuki

3.     Lower sword

4.     Step back, Chudan no Kamae

5.     Lower blade, disengage sword

6.     Five steps back

7.     Step to Chudan no Kamae


  1. Two steps forward
  2. Step right, Hidari Kesagiri
  3. Focus Kissaki on throat
  4. Return back, Chudan no Kamae
  5. Lower blade, disengage sword
  6. Five steps back
  7. Step to Chudan no Kamae

Yonhon me. Number Four


1.     Hidari Jodan no Kamae

2.     From left, take four steps forward

3.     Fourth step, Shinchokugiri

4.     --

5.     Step back, Chudan no Kamae

6.     Lower blade, disengage sword

7.     Five steps back

8.     Step to Chudan no Kamae


  1. Seigan no Kamae
  2. Take three steps forward
  3. Third step right, Migi Suiheigiri (horiz)
  4. Shift kamae, Kissaki at throat
  5. Return back, Chudan no Kamae
  6. Lower blade, disengage sword
  7. Five steps back
  8. Step to Chudan no Kamae

Gohon me. Number Five


1.     Migi Hasso no Kamae

2.     From left, take four steps forward

3.     Step with Hidari Ko-Gesagiri

4.     --

5.     --

6.     Step back, Chudan no Kamae

7.     Lower blade, disengage sword

8.     Five steps back

9.     Step to Chudan no Kamae


  1. Seigan no Kamae
  2. Take three steps forward
  3. Step back, avoid cut, step in with Left
  4. Migi Kesagiri
  5. Focus Kissaki on throat
  6. Step back, Chudan no Kamae
  7. Lower blade, disengage sword
  8. Five steps back
  9. Step to Chudan no Kamae

Roppon me. Number Six



1.   Migi Jodan no Kamae

2.   Take two steps forward

3.   Right step, Shinchokugiri

4.   Lower sword

5.   Take three steps back diagonally

6.   Return to center line, Chudan no Kamae

7.   Lower blade, disengage sword

8.   Take five steps back

9.   Step to Chudan no Kamae

10. Chiburi, Noto

11. Bow to Shidachi


  1. Seigan no Kamae
  2. Take two steps forward
  3. Step to right, Hidari Kesagiri
  4. Focus Kissaki on throat
  5. Step into Hidari Jodan no Kamae
  6. Return to center line, Chudan no Kamae
  7. Lower blade, disengage sword
  8. Take five steps back
  9. Step to Chudan no Kamae
  10. Chiburi, Noto
  11. Bow to Uchidachi